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Regulation Archives - Drone Services Dorset

Drone Services Dorset Blog and Portfolio Page

Welcome to the Drone Services Dorset – Stratospheric Filming Blog page, here you will find a wide range of updates and videos from projects we have completed for our clients over the years, we hope you find the information useful and of interest.
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The regulatory guidance for unmanned drones was set by a Regulatory Framework by the EU back on the 28th of February 2019 and covered for the us of all Unmanned Drones, UAVs, unmanned Aerial vehicles, UASs, Unmanned Aircraft, Drones and all other Unmanned Aircraft Systems. I have added the links to the relevant descriptions from the...

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Areas we cover:

Covering all areas of Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch, Dorset, South Wales, Hampshire & Surrey,